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Thursday, January 27, 2011

UPDATED: Help me get to BlogHer 2011

- And, a few anonymous people too. Thank you! :)


I have a goal: Make it to BlogHer '11. I will make it! I know I will! But, the whole cost of it is bringing me down a bit. With the flying and the hotel stay it's expensive as all hay! I've managed to save enough to buy the conference tickets... but, now I'm starting to worry that I wont be able to save enough for the trip before that time.

I’ll be Wearing Cute Shoes to BlogHer '11!

Why help send me to BlogHer '11?
Well... with all my shmoozing and conferencing I will be sure to learn and get MORE blogging ideas! Which means:
- More pics and videos of my super adorably cute baby!
- More super fun photo challenges...
- Crafty tutorials!
- More photo competitions!
- How about some hair tutorials?
- Pretty much just more of my blogging awesomenessness. ;D

Sponsor me:
What can I provide you for sponsorships:
- Include a text link or banner under a “BlogHer Sponsors” section on my blog. (depending on selected sponsorship level)
- Blog, facebook and tweet about your company thanking you for sponsorship randomly through August. (depending on selected sponsorship level)
- Brand Promotion by wearing clothing (if it's my style of clothing. I still gotta look good and be comfy! ;D), pins or carrying tote bags with your company logo during the conference. (depending on selected sponsorship level)
- Your logo on my laptop for the whole conference. (depending on selected sponsorship level)
- There will be LIVE tweeting of your sponsorship during the conference! (depending on selected sponsorship level)
- I would LOVE to hear any additional ideas you may have for me.
- Just a note: giving away swag or handing out fliers is not permitted at the conference.
A full sponsorship is totally available. For this I would do all of the above, plus advertising space in the top section of my blog for 1 full year. And, love you forever. :D Other negotiations will also be considered.

Partial Sponsorship levels:
- Small ad in my sidebar for 2 months
- Multiple facebook mentions and tweets up through the conference!
- Inclusion in my small ad BlogHer '11 sponsors post!

- Small ad in my sidebar for 4 months
- Multiple facebook mentions and tweets up through the conference!
- A small sticker spot on my laptop (which will be out A LOT at the conference. A LOT. I'm a blogger! :D)
- Inclusion in my small ad BlogHer '11 sponsors post!

- Small ad in my sidebar for 6 months!!!
- Multiple facebook mentions and tweets up through the conference!
- A small sticker spot on my laptop (which will be out A LOT at the conference. A LOT. I'm a blogger! :D)
- Inclusion in my small ad BlogHer '11 sponsors post!
- PLUS: a blog post just for you!

- Small ad in my sidebar for 8 months!!!
- Multiple facebook mentions and tweets up through the conference!
- A MEDIUM sticker spot on my laptop (which will be out A LOT at the conference. A LOT. I'm a blogger! :D)
- Inclusion in my small ad BlogHer '11 sponsors post!
- PLUS: a blog post just for you!

- Medium ad in my sidebar for 12 months!!!
- Multiple facebook mentions and tweets up through the conference!
- A LARGE sticker spot on my laptop (which will be out A LOT at the conference. A LOT. I'm a blogger! :D)
- I will include your URL on the back of my business cards that I hand out at the conference.
- PLUS: a blog post just for you! Before AND After the conference! That's 2 blog posts! All about you.

Full sponsorship (approx. $1200)
- Large ad in my sidebar for 12 months!!!
- Multiple facebook mentions and tweets up through the conference!
- An XLARGE sticker spot on my laptop (which will be out A LOT at the conference. A LOT. I'm a blogger! :D)
- I will include your URL on the back of my business cards that I hand out at the conference.
- PLUS: a blog post just for you! Before AND After the conference! That's 2 blog posts! All about you.
- I will pretty much just pimp you out to the extreme.
- I'm open to more ideas.

Sponsoring me pretty much means you can reach all of my readers PLUS more.
My blog's stat as of June 7th, 2011:
- 32,000+ monthly pageviews
- 18,000+ monthly visits
- 8,000+ monthly unique visitors
- 1,540+ subscribe to my Google Feedburner
- 1310+ followers through Google Friend Connect
- 570+ twitter followers
- 420+ facebook "fans"

PLEASE email me if you're interested in sponsorship. Email: thepapermama@gmail.com I VERY much look forward to representing your brand at BlogHer '11.

OR... you can purchase something from one of my Etsy shops! I'm giving everyone that uses the following code 15% off their purchases in BOTH of my shops through August 6th, 2011 (You cannot combine discount codes, k? :}) ! Here's the code: BLOGHER2011
My Paper Crown shop
Paper Mama Shop

If you really just want to give me money (heh) I do have a donation button and a little deal for anyone that donates over $15:
I'd like to offer you all little something for your donations:
- I'd like to offer anyone donating over $15 a new blog header or I'd love to touch up and edit one of your photos (if you want one of these things).
- Please be sure to mention if you'd like to remain anonymous with your donation of if you'd like me to include your blog link at the top of this post! :D

To donate to my BlogHer '11
dream... click here:

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