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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ask me.

I had something that I was really looking forward to blogging about... but, I totally forgot what it was and I CANNOT for the life of me remember what the hey it was! What the? Oh well... it will probably pop up in my head sometime in the near future very randomly! :D Hopefully... or, I've gone totally nuts. Who knows. SOooo... My lovely buddy Mandy (A Sorta Fairytale) said I might as well jump on the bandwagon and see if my amazing readers have any questions for me! Sooooo... do you?

Do you have a question for me? I'd love to know... Ask me anything... I'll answer anything... unless it's what my social is or something. :D

Oh, and I've received like 70 emails about my directory... I'm still working on the first 20.... I've been going back and forth on how I really wanted to do this... Do I want it something you all can adjust yourself in the future? Or, not.... Can't wait to get it up for you guys! SOON! And, if you'd like to get your blog up in my directory go to this post to get the info... I'll be capping the blog entries at 200 for now... So 130 spots left. :)

One more thing: Can I get a vote for my blog?
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BlogHer 2011!

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