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Friday, February 4, 2011

Let's talk about poop.

I know the future 13-year-old Ruari will not like that I'm talking about her poop with the world... but...
I don't know when it happened exactly... but, Ruari's poops are no longer cute! Yes, they were a little cute before... and, they smelled like buttered popcorn... not anymore!!! It is over. They are gross little human poops. Why? When can I potty train her?

Now that she's eating more solids she poops SO much! I change a poopy diaper like 2-3 times a day... So stinky! AND: she's super wiggly when I change her... I'll let you imagine how messy that can get. :)

How can someone so cute be so stinky? That's today's question. :)

TODAY is the LAST day to enter the Valentines Photo Challenge! 
You have a chance to win a ton of awesome prizes!!!
The Paper Mama

Blogger Robber update: I emailed the guy and said: "...please remove these posts and please stop re posting my posts immediately. Remove any blog posts you have taken from this URL: http://www.thepapermama.blogspot.com.

Please do this as soon as possible. If this does not happen in a timely manner I will have to file a Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice. Thank you." I found the information here: Wordpress Content Theft

He was very nice about it and apologized. Yay!

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