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Monday, June 27, 2011

Your Best Shot top 30!!! {CLOSED}

Well... the judges and I somehow managed to go through and pick our top 30 favorites! I don't know how... but, we did. NOW... it's time for you to vote! You can vote once for your 2 favorites through Wednesday the 29th! Once the poll closes the judges and I will pick a first and second place winners from your top 10! Get your friends and family to vote! Good luck!

If you made the to 30, feel free to grab a button!

The Paper Mama Top 30!

The top 30 in no particular order:

{Jennifer Wakefield}

{Through Grins and Giggles}

{Just the Two of Us... and a Cat}

{Tugboat Photography}

{Breaking Through}

{Tristan Lynae}

{Oh, Jazmyn}

{Hi, Baby}


10. {Marie Bee}
{Marie Bee}

{Polos, Pearls, and Pacifiers}


{Mary April Photography}

14. {AZN8TIV}

{Meagan Musing}

{Amy Demos Photography}

{Orange Mama Big World}

{Toliver Family}

{Marcella Grace Photography}

{Kari Green Photography}

21. {Ewing}

{Then there were 5}

{Beth V. Photography}

{A Sorta Fairytale}

{4 Lettre Words}

{Loves of Life}

{Home On North Fillmore Street}

{Ordinary Miracles and the Crazy 8}

Vote at the bottom of this post!

Thanks again to the judges! Give them a visit and thank them! Their jobs aren't done yet! We still have to pick a first and second place after the voting! The judges: {Ramblings and Photos}, {The Bonnie 5}, {Mamahood, Among Other Things}, {Life with Kaishon}, {I Should Be Folding Laundry}, {April Newman Photography}, and {My Perspective}.

AND AND... I wanted to throw out ANOTHER thank you to the awesome sponsors that are providing the amazing prizes for the first and second place winners! Please visit them! They are all amazing and AWESOME!!! The sponsors: {Ketti: $100 to the Ketti Shop}, {Jo Totes: A Jo Totes Camera Bag}, {Totally Rad: Action or Preset of your Choice.}, {Just Stuff: $20 to spend in the Just Stuff shop.}, {Barely Measured: A custom camera strap cover.}, {Twenty Five Designs: Choice of Headband or Hair Clip}, and {Hanamik: The lens cap holder pictured above.}! Thank you!

Here's a Vote for Me button that's linked to this post 
if you'd like to share it on your blog!

The Paper Mama Top Vote for Me

Vote Below! 
The voting ends on Wednesday the 29th 5:00PM Pacific Time!!! You can vote once for your top 2 favorites! Good luck! I hope to announce the winners by Friday, August 1st!!!


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