First... I had to get my Love Letter to
Kitty Paw entry in! That's it above!
On to the questions:
Mandy from A Sorta Fairytale asked...
- If you had to move anywhere else in the US, where would it be?
Well... I really love Oregon. I'm very happy here. But, if I HAD to.... I would hope it would be Seattle. I love Seattle... maybe because it's so much like Portland? ;D
- How about anywhere else in the world? And why??
If I could move anywhere in the world I imagine myself living in the UK. I loved it there. And, I love the idea that I'm just hours from all these amazing countries!
- What are your hopes for your blog in the future?
To be absolutely honest: I'd love for my blog to keep growing and expose my two shops more! I've been struggling lately with advertising. I want my blog to stay personal and not commercial... but, I do put a lot of time and work into my blog. I'd like to make a little money and contribute to our income (since I pretty much don't right now...).
Pam from Can't Wait asked...
- Do you cloth diaper? If not, why not?
I do not cloth diaper. Why: because I love the convenience of disposable. I currently use Seventh Generation. I've wanted to cloth diaper... but, I've been a little nervous to start. I know it could save us a ton of money with just a one time investment. Still haven't totally ruled it out... but, my baby is 14 months.
- Will there be more babies in the near future? And how many do you and your dear husband want? One, two? Three? Six?
There will be more babies in the future... when, I don't know. We will be adopting and/or surrogacy for the next baby because I can't be pregnant anymore (my birth story would answer why). My hubby and I would like 2 more.
Laura from El Cubed asked...
- How do you manage to juggle being a wife, a mom, an artist, and a dedicated blogger so well?
Ummm... I don't know! :D I try to get any work or blogging done during Ruari's nap-time. She usually sleeps 3 hours in a row... but, I can here her moving around right now... probably can't find her pacifier. I've actually been trying to work on my balance a little more. If I figure it out... I'll let you know!
Kendra from On My Side of the Room asked...
- Just wondering if you have any photography tips, I'm always looking for them. I keep wanting to take a class to improve but, life happens. I love your style.
Well... I'm definitely not a photography pro. I just have such a passion for it! My photography skills have very much improved in the past year. I believe the biggest reason for that is I take a ton of photos! Participating in photo challenges every week has been a huge help as well. If I ever get confused with something... I google it or ask one of my photography blogging friends! Lots of practice!
As far as my style of photography: I love capturing little details.... my baby's fingers picking up food... the salt of a cracker... eyes (I LOVE eyes).... I'm a sort of "fill the frame" girl. I like my photos to be full. I'm currently trying to expand myself and try landscape photography... I'm not liking my stuff, I need practice!
Thank you SO much for your questions ladies! If anyone ever has a question ANY time... you are more than welcome to email me. :D
OH... one more thing... the winner of the PS Cute handmade headband is: TaMara from The Sloan Homeschool! Congrats! I will be contacting you soon!
❤ Chelsey
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