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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Computer Fixin'

{Wow.... I'm SO over computer problems. There have been WAY too many in my life this month. Oye! I've been googling all freakin' day (Tuesday) trying to fix my slow/freezing computer problem and got nothing done! First, I really wanted to thank Sarah from Naptime Momtog for her help today. I've been so frustated. Wow.}

{So, after cleaning my computer and resetting this and restarting that one million times... I figured out what the problem was... 99% of the time I work with my Photoshop CS3 open. So, after assuming ALL day that the problem was my computer or Firefox... turns out it was the most simple lame glitch ever with CS3. If you're curious... here's the link to what I did to fix.}

{Yup... this guy right here:}
{saved me!!! Thank you so much. All I had to do was hold down CTRL+ALT+SHIFT and click "yes" to the pop-up question. Hmmm. How simple... I was very close to tossing my computer out the window. Yup. That was the plan if I didn't fix it tonight. So, thanks Eddie Phanichkul from Taking Stuff Apart.com... you saved me. I might love you.... or... maybe I'm just mentally exhausted and don't know where or what's happening or what? I don't know. It's bed time you guys. I had so much to finish today... again: hopefully the directory will be ready tomorrow.}

{By the way... see this sweet face right here:}

{Yes... I will be "tattooing" this babe soon. :) If you're totally confused... you can go here to see what I'm talking about.}

{If you feel really bad for me... I'd love a vote! Just a click to VOTE HERE (or, the button below) and click on the "click here to vote". And, you're done! Thanks!}

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{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky's. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too... (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, A Beautiful Mess, Go Graham Go, Supermom, Live and Love Outloud, and My Wee View.). Happy Wednesday to all of you! Don't forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and the photo challenges!}



BlogHer 2011!

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